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Apocalyptic Education is a meditation, a posture, an epistemological stance rooted in African ancestral ways of knowing. Learn more about how we ruminate. 

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The mission of Apocalyptic Education (AE) is to disrupt normative beliefs that, particularly for Black children, increased schooling leads to social and economic uplift, critical thinking, and a sustainable sense of purpose. AE is rooted in an empirical understanding of the inextricable link between the wellness of Black children and the abolition of schooling--its historical and ongoing investments in structural, institutional, and interpersonal forms of anti-Blackness. In doing so, we aim to distinguish schooling from education, to ensure that all [Black] children have access to quality education (knowledge, resources, and communities) en route to their well-being. AE invites and partners with educational practitioners to access a greater capacity to center the wellness of Black children by divesting from the maintenance of schooling.

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